Our historical audits are free unless we find you savings. Our software and team are built to find every mistake on your energy bill.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Savings are always relative and driven by several factors – the utility, meter consumption, energy prices in Ontario, and much more. The larger your electricity bills, the larger the mistakes generally are going to be. The larger your electricity bills, the larger the mistakes are going to be.

Yes, in order for us to audit your bills for mistakes, you should have a monthly hydro spend no less than $3,000/month, regardless of your utility.
We are methodical in checking every detail on every bill for possible errors – a 20-point forensic audit of each bill. Sometimes errors are simple such as overlapping bill dates, and others are more complicated and/or technical and the result of meter, billing, and processing errors by the utility.

Yes, Poteck Power has hundreds of satisfied customers who are happy to provide glowing references. Like you, they are very busy and we are very protective of their time. As a last step before hiring us, we are happy to put you in touch with one of our many past happy customers.

In the past three years have you received a large, one-time refund by checking your own bills or having your consultant do it for you? If not, then we can still help you get a refund! Many of our customers have in-house staff or third party consultants that advise them on cost control with operational and capital expenditures that often includes utilities. Nevertheless, in many cases we are successful in finding refunds that others miss!
If your tenants receive their bills directly from the hydro company (such as for townhouses, small apartments, innovation centres, or mixed use facilities) then we will not review their bills if they are under a $3,000/month spend. If you have a “submetering” provider like Enercare, Karma, or Wyse, then we will still review your bills for mistakes. We’ve had great success in some instances recovering large refunds for clients who use sub-metering service providers.

We find mistakes in approximately 33% of all invoices which we review. The smallest refund we’ve ever got back is $9,000.

No. We won’t sell you any other service, especially one you need to pay for before you see savings or value. We can apply our considerable expertise to make recommendations on the good, the bad, and the ugly in the energy sector in Ontario. But we don’t, and aren’t interested in selling ancillary services like peak predictions, energy service contracts, energy efficiency, solar, etc..

Yes. Depending on your business there are additional opportunities to explore no-cost, no-risk avenues to secure additional refunds.